Join us at 9:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall for an adult Sunday School class studying
2 Corinthians
Man to Man is a men’s Bible study and fellowship ministry.  We meet once a month for Bible Study and Fellowship (always over food).  This group is open to all adult men.  Our goal is to challenge and encourage men to fulfill God’s calling on their lives in their roles within the family, workplace and church. 
This year we are studying the life of David. Click on the “Calendar” above to see when and where our next Bible study will be.
Please see John Wilson with any questions you may have.
“Heart to Heart” is for ladies from all walks and seasons of life who want to encourage and challenge each other as we learn from God’s Word.  Our goal is that through our time together, we would align our hearts more closely to our Savior’s and to each other.  
 We currently meet every other Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM at the home of Gail Cobucci for Ladies’ Bible Study, starting up again on September 18th.  In three short letters, the apostle John reminds an early church facing division, deception, and doubt to hold fast to what they know and to live like they believe it.  Today, we face similar challenges and His words call us to recall a great salvation and to abide in the truth.  Join us as we journey together through this detailed study going verse by verse, finding encouragement in the truth of God’s love, learning to discern the truth of God from a lie, and be challenged to remain steadfast in your faith.
If you have any questions please see Gail Cobucci.
Seniors With A  Purpose (SWAP) ministers to those age 60 and above, to provide  times of fellowship, outreach, encouragement, information, and service.  We meet eight times a year, usually the third Thursday of the month including dinner prepared by our own church members.  We take one or two trips per year to places of special interest.  See Henry or Denise Sandt, or call 610-905-5763 for more information.
Kids’ Crew ministers to those in grades kindergarten through 6th grade to provide times of fellowship, games, Bible lessons, crafts, and snacks.    See the Church Calendar  to join us for our next meeting time.  See Peter Cobucci with any questions about Kid’s Crew.
At Grace we place a priority on our youth. We recognize the youth as a vital part of the church today not just its future.  While we enjoy ourselves with games and activities throughout the year, the focus of the ministry is to challenge our teens to live authentic Christian lives.  We want our youth to have a passion for Christ and  His Kingdom.  Our desire is that our youth will not compartmentalize their Christianity but allow it to permeate and shape the rest of their life.
We have an integrated junior and senior high youth group made up of teens from our church family, and the community.  During the school year, we meet every other Wednesday night for Bible study, games, and service projects.  During the summer, we meet monthly for larger events to stay connected. Our teens are involved in service within the church and community–varying from the sound room to nursery, Operation Christmas Child, and more. 
If you have any questions about the Youth Group at Grace, please contact  Santi or Torri Zapata.

Join us each night from 6PM – 8:15PM starting Monday June 17th through Friday the 21st.

Kids will be challenged as they discover that God’s truth never changes, everyone needs Jesus, and learn to speak the truth in love. Adventure awaits each day as kids explore tide pools, spot orcas, fly kites, and watch the mighty waves crash up against the immovable Breaker Rock!

To Register your child for this awesome event please signup here
Operation Christmas Child OCC
Grace has a year-round outreach ministry of collecting items to fill Operation Christmas Child boxes to send to needy children through the ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. Each month promotes a different theme for items collected and the year culminates with a packing and sending party! For more information about this outreach, please Click here. Please see Torri Zapata with any questions.

For the latest news on how God is using them in their fields click on their Picture or logo to be taken to the website of each of our missionaries.  Due to the sensitivity working with some people groups and locations not all of Grace’s missionary partners are listed here.

The Fodales – Lehigh Valley College Campuses
Mark and Shannon Fodale work with Disciple Makers’ whose purpose is to live out Jesus’ parting words, “Go and make disciples” (Matt. 28:19). We send our staff to college campuses not only because the campus needs to experience the life-changing good news of Jesus Christ, but also because college students are strategically positioned to make a big impact in the world and in the next generation for Christ.
disciple makers logo
The Murrins – Bolivia
Tony and Joanna work with several missionary organizations including Ripe for Harvest World Outreach in Bolivia.  They seek to reach the unreached.  Using aviation they are able to access remote peoples and tribes.  They are also heavily involved in Radio tower and station planting with the goal of broadcasting the Gospel to the rural Bolivian people.
The Sioukiouroglous – Greece
 Efthemes and Irene work with Fellowship International Mission to reach the Muslim refugee population of Greece. They show Christ’s love by providing shelter, food and other necessities to this at risk population. They are then able to share the Gospel with these suffering people.